Environment: “Environment and Man: Perspectives of a therapeutical relationship”

Sep 8, 2020




Live Streaming: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84888708812?pwd=bEZiT2w3eUFrRld1dnlucGdrSk5PZz09

a. Jake Robinson, PhD Researcher at the University of Sheffield, Department of Landscape Architecture
Topic: “Walking ecosystems – how restoring our inner and outer nature is essential for personal and planetary health”

Humans evolved to be walking ecosystems. The invisible biodiversity inside us (our microbes) is vital for our personal health, which is intricately connected to the biodiversity around us. However, as urbanisation increases and biodiversity is lost, our connection with and experience of nature also diminishes. Here I will discuss how microbes from our environment and nature connectedness are essential for personal and planetary health. I focus on the urban environment to highlight issues including social inequality, and opportunities such as the recently proposed Microbiome-Inspired Green Infrastructure (MIGI).

b. Dimitra Pilihou, PhD candidate at the University of Sheffield, in Geography, Psychology, Urban Studies and Planning
Topic: “Happiness and Sustainability”

To achieve a sustainable future for all, we must focus on a sustainable life for each one of us individually and vice versa.

Coordinator: Kostas Stavropoulos

  • Jake Robinson

  • Dimitra Pilichou

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