The Humanlinks Team
“Humanlinks” is a non-profit non-governmental organisation, that is active in the field of mental health, developing programmes of psycho-social support, raising awareness and providing education on the subjects of mental health, education and the environment.
It was created in 2018 by a group of people that envisions and desires, through its programmes, to bring a new and honest discourse on modern issues that concern humanity and to communicate them to the greater community.
The initial idea of humanlinks emerged 16 years ago, by a group that has been tried on matters of mental health, and through their experience of personal transformation, developed the consciousness and knowledge on which the priorities of people these difficult times are.
The therapeutical programmes and approach of Humanlinks are based on the concept of self-help and members supporting themselves under the guidance and oversight of mental health professionals. The Idea and practice of self-help does not mean isolation and cutting ties with any clinical or other type professional support, when it is required for management of symptoms. Self-help means discrete roles and good relations with professionals and health services, the use of which can be made whenever there is need. It means the cultivation and education on the right to be well informed and the participation in the ways of therapy that are suggested, having every choice for their management. It also means the “de-institutionalisation” of each personality, that have been socially identified with the disorders and their symptoms, sustaining and strengthening the stigma.
Our organization is working in sections and our programmes are developed initially in the area of Acropolis, Koukaki and Plaka. This way, through the familiarization of the local people with the programmes, their motivation and meaningful participation in those is achieved.
Moreover, in this context, strong links and cooperation is being created between local institutions and the government, such as the Municipality of Athens, Educational institutions, Cultural centres and Institutes, the archaeological Company of Athens, The Acropolis Museum, and others.
Since 2018, Humanlinks organise daily events and open to the public functions during the year as well as a yearly, month-long festival on Mental Health. In these are included areas of interest that can be preventive or strengthening and supporting of mental health, such as matters of human relations, school community, well-being and nutrition, environmental matters, conscientiousness, scientific subjects and many more.
Our philosophy is governed by principles and human values which we consider that could become a shield for protection and strengthening. Through connecting with the people of the community, a chain of links is created, that has as its purpose raising awareness and edifyng them in a constantly changing world.